An Animated Video Production Company

At Motifmotion, we’ve been solving communication problems since 2010.  From concept, to script, storyboard, illustration and production—we’re a team of animation experts.  Let’s tell your story and make it stick.

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eLearning, education, social media and flagship animations.

On paper, Motifmotion is an animated video production company. But at our core, we’re a team of communication artists.

We’re on a mission to explain what you do, why you matter, and how you’re different — through animated video and visual storytelling. It’s the information age, and your audience doesn’t want spammy ads or pushy sales. They want engaging communication that respects their intelligence and offers true value.

Animation is our bread and butter, and we handle the full process. From message discovery and script writing, all the way to animation production.

We also offer a range of additional digital marketing services.

Reach out, or keep exploring!

Video Services

Explainer Videos

Animated Video Series

eLearning Course Videos

Internal Videos

Marketing Videos

Tutorial Videos

Social Media Videos

Company Stories

Additional Digital Services

Personalized Content Marketing

SEO Services

Web Development & Design

Infographics & Illustration

Growth Strategy

Corporate Identity & Branding

Support your videos

with our traditional digital services

Motifmotion believes the message should dictate the medium used to communicate it — not the other way around.

For example, while animated videos are fantastic at guiding viewers though a defined narrative, infographics and blog posts tend to be better for casual research (i.e. eye scanning).

That’s why, in addition to our animated video production, we also offer a range of campaign level services.

Whichever medium you choose for your message, Motifmotion understands the importance of talking to your audience, rather than at them!

Why animation?

We offer a range of digital marketing services, but there is a reason we call ourselves as an animation studio first.

It’s because animation stands alone in its ability to create a multi-sensory learning experience. Animated videos integrate sight, sound, and symbolism all at once. Through animation, we tell stories that light up the human brain’s reward system — simplifying ideas that once seemed hopelessly complex. Our videos are razor sharp messaging tools designed to educate, engage and inspire action.

Here are some key reasons animated videos are so effective:

simplify the complex with the help of an animated video production company

Simplify the complex

Animated video production is great at summarizing complicated or nuanced concepts. We repackage your material into clear, high-impact messages.

create an emotional connection with animated video production

Create an emotional connection

Animated video production is excellent at visual storytelling. We create a world before your viewer’s eyes and invite them along for the ride.

use animated video production to boos conversion rates

Reach and convert

Videos are the most effective, most widely shared form of digital content in the world. They are shared on social media at astonishing rates. Merely including the word “video” in an email subject line results in a doubling of open rates.

Working with Motifmotion

We’re an animated video production company with a whole lot of pride. We hang our hats on clear communication, client partnership and teamwork. We are efficient — but we don’t sacrifice quality for speed. Learn more about who we are here or drop us a line below.

We’re always happy to discuss ideas, no strings attached.

Have a project in mind?